Affirmation 5/23/18

Hi, friend. Well done. You’ve made it to a new day. Yesterday is done and behind you. This one is fresh and clean and ready for you. You specifically. You exactly as you are. You’re beautifully suited for this one.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 5/17/18

Friend, you are so much more than you believe. Deep breath. In and out. With each new breath take in something you truly love about yourself. Start small if you have to. Fill your lungs with love for yourself. Let that oxygenate your body. Let it join with your blood and become who you are, someone fully in love with yourself in the best ways. You are worthy of that love.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 5/12/18

You did it. You’ve survived another day. You get a brand new one again to do what you want, what you can. New opportunities. Second chances. You’re free to start again. Some days that feels like too much. I know. Breathe into the new today, and let go of the fear of what that could bring. Focus on what it does bring.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 5/4/18

You are awake. You are alive. You are here in a new day. That’s already incredible. You’ve already accomplished some pretty hard things just to get here. I promise, the next breath will take care of itself. Let your body deal with breath, while you enjoy each new moment.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/13/18

Deep breath, friend. Today is all new, fresh, and ready for you. The past did not come with you into this new day. Today you get to start again and move forward. Deep breath. Breathe into the newness.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/3/18

Warrior, you really have come so very far. You’ve conquered so much. You’ve accomplished a great deal. Sometimes that’s hard to see in the moment. Sometimes that’s hard to wrap your head around. That’s okay, I promise. Today, you don’t have to look at the whole picture, if you can’t handle it. So let’s just look at all of those tiny joys. That new podcast you love, the way flowers are starting to sprout from the ground, that new dish you tried to make, whatever tiny things are bringing you joy are just as valid as the amazing and huge accomplishments that you’ve made.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 3/12/18

Deep breath. Think of all that you’ve accomplished, even the smallest things. Today you are breathing. You made it through yesterday. Today is a whole new day for you to be proud of yourself. Look at all you’ve done and how far you’ve come. It’s okay to be proud of yourself. It really is. In fact, you should be so proud of all that you’ve done.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 11/20/17

Deep breath. With each inhale bring in peace. With each exhale let go of worry. Inhale calm. Exhale doubt. Inhale joy. Exhale pain. Let each breath release self-destruction into the floor. Be fortified by a new day. You are in control of today.

I’m glad you’re here.