Affirmation 3/28/18

Hey, you matter. Your voice matters. Your story matters. Your heart matters. Your mind matters. What you have to offer is beautiful and valid. Maybe everyone you meet won’t want to see or hear what you can offer, that’s okay. It’s not for everyone. That doesn’t make you any less valid.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 3/16/18

Hey. Listen to me. This, like you, is important. You are beautiful. Your persistence and determination are beautiful. Your work is beautiful. Your fight is beautiful. Your rests are beautiful. Your strength, joy, hurt are beautiful. Your heart is beautiful. Your mind is beautiful. Your body is beautiful. That body of yours is fighting to keep your here. It wants you to keep going, and so do I, beautiful one.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 2/22/18

Warrior, some days the fight never ends, the fight for your survival, for a voice, to be heard, to be understood. Those fights seem endless, and maybe they are. I can’t promise they aren’t. So let yourself rest. You’re already so strong, but you’re so much stronger when you take care of your body and mind. It is okay to rest. Whatever that looks like, whatever form it is you need. Let yourself rest, and when you’re ready, get up and continue the fight, warrior.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 2/9/18

Take your time, friend. Whatever that looks like, however long that is. Only you know what you need. Only you know if action is rest for your mind or if slowing down is the right thing for you. You get to decide. Take your time.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 1/30/18

Deep breath, friend. Slow even breaths. Take time today to focus on calm and peace. Close your door or your mind or your eyes. Whatever you need to do. With each inhale breathe in strength and calm. With each exhale release all the lies inside your head about who you. You’re incredible.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 1/5/18

Friend, take all of the time you need. Your body is healing. Your heart is healing. Your mind is healing. They are also always learning and growing and changing. You are constantly moving in beautiful ways. You’re incredible.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 12/14/17

Today, make a choice. Choose to, as best as your heart and mind are able, to love and be kind and understanding. We’re all in this together, so make the choice to give the things into the world that you also need.

I’m glad you’re here.