Affirmation 5/24/18

Here’s what I know, friend. Those emotions you’re feeling? They’re valid. They may not feel rational. That’s okay. They may not seem logical. That’s okay too. It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to be hurt. It’s okay to be sad. Friend, this is important. It’s also okay to be happy. It is okay to be happy. You are allowed to be happy. People may begrudge that happiness, but you’ve worked hard for it. Enjoy it while it’s here.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/30/18

Friend, you are so loved. It’s easy to let the irrationalities and lies and insecurities that have built up with fear in our minds take control, to tell us what and who we are, but friend, that’s not who you are. You are so much more than all of those things. You are beautiful and powerful and capable and valid and strong. You are so loved.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/11/18

You are valid. Your feelings are valid. Your experiences are valid. No one else gets to decide your value. No one else has a say in who you are. Continue on as you are, as you’re doing. You’re beautiful just the way you are. I promise.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/3/18

Warrior, you really have come so very far. You’ve conquered so much. You’ve accomplished a great deal. Sometimes that’s hard to see in the moment. Sometimes that’s hard to wrap your head around. That’s okay, I promise. Today, you don’t have to look at the whole picture, if you can’t handle it. So let’s just look at all of those tiny joys. That new podcast you love, the way flowers are starting to sprout from the ground, that new dish you tried to make, whatever tiny things are bringing you joy are just as valid as the amazing and huge accomplishments that you’ve made.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 3/28/18

Hey, you matter. Your voice matters. Your story matters. Your heart matters. Your mind matters. What you have to offer is beautiful and valid. Maybe everyone you meet won’t want to see or hear what you can offer, that’s okay. It’s not for everyone. That doesn’t make you any less valid.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 2/13/18

You are loved. You are supported. You are not in this life on your own. Even when you feel alone, which is normal and valid, there are so many people around you who love and support you. There are people all over the world who have had hardships and traumas. You do not have to suffer alone.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 2/8/18

Friend, setbacks will happen. Things will happen that are out of your control. They may affect you. That’s hard. They may take you back a few steps. That’s harder. Nonetheless, you are valid. You are still in control of yourself. You are still strong. I desperately wish you did not have to keep using your full strength, that it could lay to rest for a while. Still, you are strong. Keep fighting.

I’m glad you’re here.