Affirmation 5/31/18

You, dear one, have worked so hard. You’ve fought and struggled, but most importantly you’ve survived. You’ve made it another day. I hope you realize how incredible that is. That really is a very hard thing, and you’ve done it. You have every right to be proud of yourself. You are so worthy of the fight it took to get here. Now, deep breath. Let’s do it again.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 5/17/18

Friend, you are so much more than you believe. Deep breath. In and out. With each new breath take in something you truly love about yourself. Start small if you have to. Fill your lungs with love for yourself. Let that oxygenate your body. Let it join with your blood and become who you are, someone fully in love with yourself in the best ways. You are worthy of that love.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 5/10/18

You do not owe anyone else anything. The only person you are obligated to is yourself. Deep breath. You can only control you. Take joy in that. You are not in charge of the actions of anyone, but you. That’s a beautiful relief and gift.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/17/18

Deep breath, friend. Strength is something beautiful. It’s already a part of you. If you don’t believe me, take a moment to observe how far you’ve come. It’s something that we never really fully grasp the magnitude of or appreciate until long after it’s carried us so far, long after the bad is behind us. Some days it doesn’t feel like we have any strength left in us. Friend, I’m so sorry for those days. I promise you though, you have it, and it is carrying you.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/13/18

Deep breath, friend. Today is all new, fresh, and ready for you. The past did not come with you into this new day. Today you get to start again and move forward. Deep breath. Breathe into the newness.

I’m glad you’re here.