Affirmation 4/23/18

Friend, you’re doing so well. Stop where you are. Breathe into this moment. Take a look at all that you’ve accomplished. You are doing so well. Do not believe anyone who has anything different to tell you. People are going to have a hard time with your wellness. They will resent how far you’ve come, and they will try to make you feel bad for it. You have worked hard. You have earned every ounce of what you’ve accomplished. Be so very proud of that.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/13/18

Deep breath, friend. Today is all new, fresh, and ready for you. The past did not come with you into this new day. Today you get to start again and move forward. Deep breath. Breathe into the newness.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 3/9/18

You are strong. You are. You’re stronger than you realize. You’re using strength right now that you don’t even notice. You continue to move and breathe and push and try, and that strength is carrying you beautifully. It is okay to be strong, and it is okay to hurt. Those two things can work together. You are strong.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 3/5/18

Deep breath. Slow, even breaths. Your value is so much more than your past. Take stock of who you are right now in this moment, all that you are right now. Breathe into this moment. This moment is yours to do with what you will.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 1/30/18

Deep breath, friend. Slow even breaths. Take time today to focus on calm and peace. Close your door or your mind or your eyes. Whatever you need to do. With each inhale breathe in strength and calm. With each exhale release all the lies inside your head about who you. You’re incredible.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 12/15/17

Deep breath. Let yourself slow down. Take stock of each good thing as you breathe in calm. Friends, family, shelter, kindness, food, peace, puppies, music, down to the tiniest thing. Breathe in knowledge of each piece until you are fortified by mindfulness of the many good things in your life.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 12/13/17

Friend, it’s messy, and it’s hard–life, growth, heartache, all of it. So deep breath. It’s not going to always be easy, but beautiful and worthwhile things rarely are. You, my friend, are beautiful and worthwhile. It’s trying, I know, but it is okay to let yourself change and grow. Breathe into your strength and push forward. It’s okay to fall back. That really is okay. You’re not alone. You’re doing beautifully.

I’m glad you’re here.