Affirmation 4/5/18

Warrior, you have every reason to be proud of yourself. Maybe you got out of bed today. Maybe you went to work. Maybe you took the kids to an appointment. Maybe you braved the grocery store. Maybe you brushed your teeth. Maybe you woke up, pet the cat, and rolled over to go back to sleep. No matter what your day is today, friend, you are still here, and that is an incredible feat.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/3/18

Warrior, you really have come so very far. You’ve conquered so much. You’ve accomplished a great deal. Sometimes that’s hard to see in the moment. Sometimes that’s hard to wrap your head around. That’s okay, I promise. Today, you don’t have to look at the whole picture, if you can’t handle it. So let’s just look at all of those tiny joys. That new podcast you love, the way flowers are starting to sprout from the ground, that new dish you tried to make, whatever tiny things are bringing you joy are just as valid as the amazing and huge accomplishments that you’ve made.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 3/8/18

You have fought. You have worked. You have struggled. You have succeeded. You have fallen. You have carried. You have been carried. Warrior, life is long. It takes work, and you continue to put in that work, even when it feels impossible to do. Keep fighting and working, warrior. You’re worth it.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 2/22/18

Warrior, some days the fight never ends, the fight for your survival, for a voice, to be heard, to be understood. Those fights seem endless, and maybe they are. I can’t promise they aren’t. So let yourself rest. You’re already so strong, but you’re so much stronger when you take care of your body and mind. It is okay to rest. Whatever that looks like, whatever form it is you need. Let yourself rest, and when you’re ready, get up and continue the fight, warrior.

I’m glad you’re here.