Affirmation 4/25/18

Friend, you are so strong. You are so resilient. You are doing outstanding work. I’m so sorry you’ve had to put all of that work in, that you’ve had to prove your strength and resilience. I’m so proud of you for doing it though.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/18/18

Be bold, dear one. It’s hard. It takes so much strength. Know that being bold doesn’t always mean something big and public. Being bold can be stepping back. Being bold can be prioritizing yourself. Being bold doesn’t have to be a spectacle. It won’t be simple though. Still, I know you can do it.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/17/18

Deep breath, friend. Strength is something beautiful. It’s already a part of you. If you don’t believe me, take a moment to observe how far you’ve come. It’s something that we never really fully grasp the magnitude of or appreciate until long after it’s carried us so far, long after the bad is behind us. Some days it doesn’t feel like we have any strength left in us. Friend, I’m so sorry for those days. I promise you though, you have it, and it is carrying you.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/14/18

Dear one, you are so strong. What’s hard about strength is we never feel strong when we need to use it, yet that’s so often when we show how strong we really are. I’m sorry you have to keep using your strength. I’m so glad you have it. You are so much stronger than you realize.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 3/16/18

Hey. Listen to me. This, like you, is important. You are beautiful. Your persistence and determination are beautiful. Your work is beautiful. Your fight is beautiful. Your rests are beautiful. Your strength, joy, hurt are beautiful. Your heart is beautiful. Your mind is beautiful. Your body is beautiful. That body of yours is fighting to keep your here. It wants you to keep going, and so do I, beautiful one.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 3/9/18

You are strong. You are. You’re stronger than you realize. You’re using strength right now that you don’t even notice. You continue to move and breathe and push and try, and that strength is carrying you beautifully. It is okay to be strong, and it is okay to hurt. Those two things can work together. You are strong.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 2/8/18

Friend, setbacks will happen. Things will happen that are out of your control. They may affect you. That’s hard. They may take you back a few steps. That’s harder. Nonetheless, you are valid. You are still in control of yourself. You are still strong. I desperately wish you did not have to keep using your full strength, that it could lay to rest for a while. Still, you are strong. Keep fighting.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 1/30/18

Deep breath, friend. Slow even breaths. Take time today to focus on calm and peace. Close your door or your mind or your eyes. Whatever you need to do. With each inhale breathe in strength and calm. With each exhale release all the lies inside your head about who you. You’re incredible.

I’m glad you’re here.