Affirmation 3/14/18

Deep breath. Slow, even breaths. Take action right now. Whatever that needs to be. Trust yourself. Trust your instincts. Act. Maybe that action is running forward with a plan. Maybe it’s taking a step back. Whatever you need to do, do it. You’re ready.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 3/5/18

Deep breath. Slow, even breaths. Your value is so much more than your past. Take stock of who you are right now in this moment, all that you are right now. Breathe into this moment. This moment is yours to do with what you will.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 1/30/18

Deep breath, friend. Slow even breaths. Take time today to focus on calm and peace. Close your door or your mind or your eyes. Whatever you need to do. With each inhale breathe in strength and calm. With each exhale release all the lies inside your head about who you. You’re incredible.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 10/31/17

Deep breath. Slow, even breaths. Breathe in the strength and wisdom of those who came before you. Breathe out all of the pain and hurt. Breathe in power. Breathe out panic. Breathe in calm. You are loved.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 9/21/17

Deep breath. Deep calming breath. Let go of destructive behaviors. Let go of doubt. Let go of deprecation. Let go of hurt. Let go of pain. You are free. You are not your past. You are not your pain. You are new today. Start again, free.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 9/11/17

Deep breath. Slow, even breaths. All that you need is already inside you. Focus on the good and powerful things that live in you. Breathe into your strength. Breathe into your grace. Everything you need is already there. You don’t need to seek it out anywhere else. Focus on what you already have and work from there. I love you.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 8/14/17

Friend, let’s start with calming breaths. Focus on bringing in calming air. Focus on fueling your body with peace. With each calming breath remind yourself that you are good. With each calming breath remind yourself that you are valid. With each calming breath remind yourself that you are powerful. With each calming breath remind yourself that you are loved. With each calming breath you grow even more capable than you already are. You can do this.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 8/2/17

Oh, friend, deep breath. Some days just start out hard. Some of them end terribly. Many of them, lots of them, most of them are absolutely beautiful. Right down to their tiniest details. So, come on, slow, even breaths. Fill your lungs with peace and calm and strength, and breathe out all of that worry and fear and pain. Feel your body be rebuilt by good things, and each exhale takes away all of the bad. You can do this.

I’m glad you’re here.