Affirmation 5/11/18

Every heartache does not have to be a setback. Bad things are going to happen, and that totally blows. Good things are also going to happen. We’ll deal with these bad things as they come, and we’ll embrace the good things while we have them.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 3/7/18

The world is beautiful. There is good and light and beauty all around you. I’m not dumb. I know there is also pain and darkness and heartache. Friend, cling to the good and the beauty and the light. Keep shining, beautiful light.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 12/15/17

Deep breath. Let yourself slow down. Take stock of each good thing as you breathe in calm. Friends, family, shelter, kindness, food, peace, puppies, music, down to the tiniest thing. Breathe in knowledge of each piece until you are fortified by mindfulness of the many good things in your life.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 12/7/17

The world is full of good and beauty and magic. Yes, it has darkness, but look around you. There is so much light, so much good, so much beauty, so much magic. If you can’t see it, start by looking at yourself, because you, my friend, are magic.

I’m glad you’re here.