Affirmation 5/31/18

You, dear one, have worked so hard. You’ve fought and struggled, but most importantly you’ve survived. You’ve made it another day. I hope you realize how incredible that is. That really is a very hard thing, and you’ve done it. You have every right to be proud of yourself. You are so worthy of the fight it took to get here. Now, deep breath. Let’s do it again.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 3/16/18

Hey. Listen to me. This, like you, is important. You are beautiful. Your persistence and determination are beautiful. Your work is beautiful. Your fight is beautiful. Your rests are beautiful. Your strength, joy, hurt are beautiful. Your heart is beautiful. Your mind is beautiful. Your body is beautiful. That body of yours is fighting to keep your here. It wants you to keep going, and so do I, beautiful one.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 2/26/18

Friend, some people will not support your survival. Some people will not want to understand your decisions. I have really good news. You aren’t doing it for them. You continue because you want to continue. You fight because you want to be here, and friend, I think that’s amazing.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 2/22/18

Warrior, some days the fight never ends, the fight for your survival, for a voice, to be heard, to be understood. Those fights seem endless, and maybe they are. I can’t promise they aren’t. So let yourself rest. You’re already so strong, but you’re so much stronger when you take care of your body and mind. It is okay to rest. Whatever that looks like, whatever form it is you need. Let yourself rest, and when you’re ready, get up and continue the fight, warrior.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 10/29/17

Dear one, you shine like the stars. Brilliant and glowing you fight the darkness. You shine beautifully in a world that insists you stay dark, but you can’t do that. You won’t stand for it. That’s beautiful. You’re beautiful, starlight.

I’m glad you’re here.