Affirmation 5/17/18

Friend, you are so much more than you believe. Deep breath. In and out. With each new breath take in something you truly love about yourself. Start small if you have to. Fill your lungs with love for yourself. Let that oxygenate your body. Let it join with your blood and become who you are, someone fully in love with yourself in the best ways. You are worthy of that love.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/23/18

Friend, you’re doing so well. Stop where you are. Breathe into this moment. Take a look at all that you’ve accomplished. You are doing so well. Do not believe anyone who has anything different to tell you. People are going to have a hard time with your wellness. They will resent how far you’ve come, and they will try to make you feel bad for it. You have worked hard. You have earned every ounce of what you’ve accomplished. Be so very proud of that.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 4/17/18

Deep breath, friend. Strength is something beautiful. It’s already a part of you. If you don’t believe me, take a moment to observe how far you’ve come. It’s something that we never really fully grasp the magnitude of or appreciate until long after it’s carried us so far, long after the bad is behind us. Some days it doesn’t feel like we have any strength left in us. Friend, I’m so sorry for those days. I promise you though, you have it, and it is carrying you.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 12/11/17

Friend, you cannot control what anyone else thinks of you, says about you, believes about you. You can control what you think of you, say about you, believe about you. Choose to love yourself. Look at how far you’ve come, what you’ve accomplished, what’s you’ve powered through. People may think what they want, but they’ll never know where you started. You’re doing beautifully.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 6/15/17

Every day will not be flawless. Many will have struggles. Remarkably, you continue. Some days may feel impossible. There may be a storm outside or in your head or in your heart. It will calm. It always does. Breathe slowly. Focus on tiny victories. Don’t be overwhelmed by a heart storm. You will come out stronger. I’m sorry you have to go through it to get there. I believe in you.

I’m glad you’re here.