Affirmation 5/23/18

Hi, friend. Well done. You’ve made it to a new day. Yesterday is done and behind you. This one is fresh and clean and ready for you. You specifically. You exactly as you are. You’re beautifully suited for this one.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 12/6/17

You are relentless. You continue. You struggle. You succeed. You fail. You continue. You try and try. You pick yourself up and start again. You’ve done it over and over. Today is no different. It is just another day. You can do this one.

I’m glad you’re here.

Affirmation 5/15/17

Stop. Deep breath. Take stock. Look at all that is going on in your life. There is so much good. Take in the value of the tiniest to the biggest things you’ve seen, done, helped, shaped, grown. You’ve done and are doing so much. Give yourself some credit. Give yourself some peace.

I’m glad you’re here.